Thailand is set to launch a new security system at its airports across the kingdom. The Advance Passenger Processing System (APPS) project, kicked off at the country’s six major airports on 1st December 2015. It is anticipated that by 2016, the project would have extended to 32 airports nationwide.

The major airports undergoing the first renovation process include Don Mueang, Phuket, Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi, Chiang Mai, Mae Fa Luang Chiang Rai and Hat Yai International Airports.

What impact will the system have to the Airports? Well, it is hoped that the security system will be elevated to a higher level, thus improving their customers’ experience especially when going through the country’s main gateways- it will be more easy, faster and safer for the travelers to traverse through.

The systems main operation module will be based on the immigration segment. It will be able to carry out one-time information scan on the passengers’ passport information along with their other relevant airport details. The passengers’ revealed profiles will be matched to lists of restricted individuals to get into the country; restricted persons will, therefore, be easily identified and denied entry.

The management has further stated that the system is aimed at eradicating long queues that are always experienced in the airports. It will be a double edged tool that will help at saving time as well as improving customer service. Airports of Thailand PLC, has however offered its apologies to the passengers for inconveniences caused during the first weeks when immigration personnel were training on the new system.

Statements released by the Airport’s management affirm that more time will not be spent on the immigration section when screening the passengers; the details will be run on an automated database that can identify blacklisted passengers instantly.

An added price of 35 Baht for every ticket both for locals and foreign passengers will be used to cater for the project’s expenses. Due to the system’s early phase, Fast-Pass treats will be deferred. Congrats to the APPS developers!

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