Luxury Holiday Villas & Chalets Rental

Enhanced Hygiene & Cleaning Protocols

Concerning Covid-19

Enhanced Hygiene & Cleaning Protocols

We at The Luxury Signature strive with great effort to ensure the well being of all our guests as well as that of our staff. In the light of recent events, it is clear that the focus of providing the best home rental experience is not only in top-notch facilities and personalized services, but as well as health and safety. This is why we have taken the initiative to further improve our hygiene and cleaning protocols both as our way of caring for our patrons and as participation in combating the spread of COVID-19.

I. In-villa SOP

  1. Providing of individual Guest Hygiene Kits upon check-in containing personal self-care essentials.
  2. Room Sanitation Seals guaranteeing that all rooms have not been entered from the time it was last cleaned.
  3. Availability of hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes in all common areas
  4. Frequently disinfecting high-touch surfaces including door knobs, switches, remote controls, counter/table tops, cabinet handles, railings, and other items.
  5. Intensified cleaning protocols are also applied to staff quarters and other back-end facilities
  6. Option of serving meals ala carte

II. Staff Screening and Training

  1. All staff members are screened prior to entering the villa (body temperature, respiratory signs, etc)
  2. All staff members are required to wear face masks at all times during their shift.
  3. All staff members who will re-enter the villa premises from a public place (market, grocery, drug store, etc) are required to shower and change clothing without making contact to any guest or other staff
  4. All staff members are guaranteed by management to be non-PUIs
  5. Ensuring up-to-date medical check-up and health certification of all employees
  6. Continued training on hygiene practices, general health care, use of non-prescription medicines, basic first-aid, and dissemination of important information about COVID-19

III. Use of Technology

Majority of our rental properties utilize the following:

InnuScience™ Bio-technology, a multi-certified sanitation technology from the US that utilizes eco-friendly cleaning solutions.

SteriPlant™, an innovative and multi-certified Swiss technology that is 100% natural and non-toxic.